the muti-talented girl whose life revolves around her friends and family, good food, great talks, creative works, booty-shaking music and funky dance moves - I have a life, and lives it to the fullest."
title: PRELIMS ARE FINALLY HERE! OMG! Prelims are here. I cant believe it. I'm having my first paper today! I'm not ready! Well, I don think so. Help me! Today's paper is CHEMISTRY! I suck in chemistry! This paper is a total waste for me. But I still have to try! I cant believe it. Time does fly by very quickly. But its ok. I am working harder and harder everyday. Well, that is all I got for today. I, most probably, wont be updating more frequently now cause of my prelims, but I will try. Faham-faham la! ALL THE BEST TO THOSE DOING THEIR PRELIMS TODAY! Nothing else to say already. I'm tired of talking already so just watch me shuttup! OK! |
title: happy 3rd year annivesary to me&amrit! ![]() I had a boring day today. Kasmi & Shahirah was not in school and it was shima and me in the end. Sad rite! But I had my oral. It was better then expected. First we were tested by Mr loh then for the actual oral, I was tested by 2 chinese singaporeans. They were ok but the female teacher was not really interested at all. I made the male teacher laugh and I guess that earn me marks. I hope! Spent time with amrit today. He was so sweet. I love him so much. But the thing that really melted my heart was when he whispered in my ear and said.... "Don't ever leave me sayang! You are all that I want!" |
title: First and foremost... Happy 6th Months Anniversary to Ahtank & Dee! (21aug07) :) Wish you'll all the best together & I hope that the 2 of you will keep each other happy. Congratulations! I wont be online so I decide to wish today. OH YA! Came online to post some pictures of our outing to Ramen Ten on saturday. All of the pictures were greatly taken by SHIMA! :) ![]() ![]() ME & Cindy Blue Lime Coral! :) Birthday GIRLS! :) I LOVE THIS PIC! :) |
title: More Birthday Babies! :) Happy Birthday Kasmi & Asyraf! (18 August 2007) Happy Birthday Adam! (19 August 2007) Had so much fun yesterday. Went out with them to RAMEN TEN for the birthday celebration. It is so fun. Everyone was new to the dishes so took sometime to really decide wat we really wanted. Cindy brought fish and her bf over. It was nice. He was really nice to all of us. We ate alot yesterday and the total bill amounted to $87 something. Not bad for a bunch of girls rite? HAHA! Then we went walk walk for stuff... I had to get for amrit the shirt rite.. saw one really nice nike shirt for him but it was to expensive. $55 something but it was gorgeous. It was bright orange! Anway did not get him anything yet! still thinking but i will give him something. I went home after that, changed and went for a kenduri at woodlands. Really tired man but it was a blast!!!!! :) Friends don't treat each other like this.We were not meant to separate like this. I sweared to neve lose a BEST friend anymore but I guess I failed. Sticking together for 14yrs... Thru' thick and thin. & we still go separate ways in the end. I am happy that you are doing well. I don have to worry about ur studies. Im proud of you no matter wat. But are you proud of me? |
title: My Life Is Falling Like A Brick Wall. Nothing is the same. I don't feel like the old aisyah that everyone knows or use to know. Everything & everyone around me has change. I just dont like it at all. Yesterday, I was shocked when Jack (not the persons real name) called me. He was concerned. I never thought that he would call me but he did. I really salute him for being so mature and real to himself. But in actual fact, nothing can be done to change whatever that has gone wrong. But I am glad that he tried to make a big change. Back to me now, my life is not the same like what I said earlier. Sucky, boring and stressful. Those are the words that best describe me right now. I was brought up a boring person but my friends make me fun and loving. Without them, I would have been just as boring as the day I was born. I cant even spent time with my mom. She is so caught up with housework that she forgot about her only daughter. We use to have so much fun togather but not anymore. Hais. That is life. People just forget about the people that cares about them. How could this happen? We dont spent time with each other anymore and we fight more then we smile to each other anymore.
Today, I found out that my grandfather(my grandmom's brother) passed away in malaysia this morning. I cant believe he is gone. He was like my best friend. He was the best person to hang out with, whenever I spent time in malaysia. Nobody knows how he died. I cant take it whenever the people I care about so much, is taken away from me just like that. It is just not fair! I want him back, but in reality, I cant. May he rest in PEACE! Love you, TUK NGAH! :) Have you ever taught of changing for the people you love most. We care to much for you but you dont seem to realise that. WE are not here to hate you. But... You made a big mistake of disowning us. I cant believe you said that even after all the things we had gone thru'. This is what I hate about the past few days. We dont do this for any reason but... It is to make you STRONGER! But you don't seem to get that, do you? |
title: AISYAH IS GILA! Aisyah is not in the right mind today. She is fool of lameness and happiness to share with all her wonderful frens. Making up stories from my frens art work and turning them into a funny story. It was hilarious. Especially, Kasmi's art work. So much drama and mystery!!! HAHAHA! But overall, I had so much fun today. My three years anniversary is coming soon and I told amrit I did not want anything from him. He was pestering me to tell him what I wanted him to buy for me. But this year would be a bit different. I would be buying him something. Nothing big, but just a nice t-shirt. I know it is something small but that is all i could afford right now. I'm bankrupt la! All those reading this post has to keep your mouth shut and not tell amrit anything ok. I want him to feel so surprised. HAHA! Cant wait to go out on Saturday. to celebrate Shima&Kasmi's Birthday. Dah besar la dia!!! HAHA!
You think that by keeping away from us would make a big difference in your life. But that is not true & you know that! Stop being stubborn and doing something to improve your life. Sometimes you are not always right, sweetie. Face the fact, mayb just mayb. You would be doing something wrong this time. |
title: Our HOROSCOPE! =) Just something xtra! Always wanted to know what kind of person I am... AQUARIUS (The One that Waits) Dominant in relationships. Someone loves them right now. Always Wants the last word. Caring. Smart. Loud. Loyal. Beautiful. Goofy. Easy to talk to. Everything you ever wanted. Easy to please. The one and only. Always wanted why I love my amrit so much... SAGITTARIUS (The Lion) Great talker. Attractive and passionate. Laid back. Knows how to Have fun. Is really at almost anything. Great kisser. Unpredictable. Outgoing. Down to earth. Addictive. Attractive. Loud. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative. Not one to mess with. Rare to find. Good when found. |
title: Happy Birthday Shima! =) Happy Birthday Shima! =) Wish you all the happiness with you and hisam. Be a good girl. Dont show attitude cos Big GIRL already! Friends Forever! Uttttt! So pissed la... Really wanted the DPA. I had everything planned out. I mean my future. I didnt want to keep on thinking that I would not get a course of my choice. But anyway, congrats to those that got selected!!! Mayb you guys deserve it! =) I kept my mouth shut for too long Now I know that it was wrong |
title: Happy Belated Birthday To Singapore! Had a boring day yesterday. Went over to my grandmom's hse for national day cause my cousin wanted us there. But then, last minute, cancel their plans and did not come over. I was pissed! I actually wanted to head over to marina bay to watch the fire works but because of my family i could not. But anyway, I still had fun with my grandma. She was funny. Telling me old stories of my father and his brothers. Anyway, bibik cooked alot of delicious food yesterday. I ate ate and ate. Could not stop man! Anyway, watched the national day parade and it honestly, it was frecking boring! Nothing interesting about it. So bored... So i decided to head home early. Since my mom wanted to wait for my dad and bros at my grandma's hse, i decided to head home by myself. I was so lazy to walk to the mrt station that I took a cab back. I stood by the side of the road for 20 minutes before I got a cab. The driver was a terrible driver. He would, for no reason, jam on the brakes and I almost flew out of the cab. It was terrible. I was so ready to puke! Lucky i didnt. It would have been embarassing. Really miss my bf. Its been about 4 days since we saw each other. Wanted to call him and meet him yesterday since my family was not with me but i did not want to disturb him. He was out wif his frens at esplanade. Anyway, still miss him. Istill have not told him that i have to go for grad nite! Hais. Things are changing so fast without us realising. I never wanted it to be like this. Losing someone like you may be dreadful but maybe its time for me to do something. I don't want you to suffer from the things that you are doing. But, I cant help you to change. You have to do it by yourself. I really hope that one day... You will change for the better just like you were the last time. I mean this sincerely, by the bottom of my heart. :) |
title: School has been as fun as the last times.
Friends testing each others patience. Teachers trying to squeeze MORE knowledge down our throats without taking our tiredness under consideration. Sick and tired! I hate it when teachers come to me and start pestering me about GRADUATION NITE! Stop using the excuses ... " aisyah.. your the president of the student council!" "How can you not go!" Shut up la. I will decide if i want to go or not... Grad Nite is for students to spent their last few days togather as a class. Enjoying themselves with the presence of their teachers. But as for our form teacher... She does even want to participate. It like, she's being force to spent time with us & she cant stop talking about grad nite. " if you don't want to go, please inform us!" "Dont try to hide ur fake interest in the chalet if its not true!" As for my class, those not going... That is ur problem! Not come into class saying that this class is full of childish people. We have planned this chalet with everyone's consent and now you guys are backing out one by one! Those who really care about the class will attend this chalet. But as for the rest, if you don't have a valid reason then... " nice knowing you!!!" I cant take it... As for me, I would have to attend the grad nite (by myself)! So ya.... anyone with a good reason for me not going then please speak now or FOREVER HOLD YOUR PEACE! & as for you... Please stop being such an asshole to everyone. Just stop thinking that everything will go ur way when actually everyone is against you! So open your eyes & see how much people are hating you! |
title: For the last 2 weeks, I have been angry at anyone that comes my way...
I cant control myself. I just don't know why. The people that I care about are sometimes taking advantage of my patience and kindness... When I need them, they are never there but when they need help, I'm the first person they find. That is not what friends are for. I don't know la. Friends are meant to stick togather no matter wat. I don't know la. I was sitting by myself today. With no one to talk too, about my problems. All that I have to say is.... Don't take FRIENDS for granted! THIS IS OUR LAST YEAR TO SPENT TIME AND HAVE FUN! |