the muti-talented girl whose life revolves around her friends and family, good food, great talks, creative works, booty-shaking music and funky dance moves - I have a life, and lives it to the fullest."
title: Who said that after being togather for over 6months, you cant have ur honeymoon period still? to dee, That is just bullshit! If it's true that means my honeymoon period was loooonnnng time gone la. It is up to the 2 of you to decide whether you want it that way. If a guy is blaming you for everything in life then leave him. I know how it feels to be blamed everyday. Its not worth the pain. We are not a piece of punching bag that they could punch whenever they want. Why do you let people do that to you? |
title: HELLO. :)
Today was a good day. Went for my tution thingy then met up with my baby for a late lunch. It felt really nice to spent some time with him. HAHA! We met UNCLE RASHID! Our school uncle that was in charge of locking up the school. He was sitting down near NORTHPOINT, smoking. Amrit was with him and they were talking. HAHA! It was abit weird to see them sitting there. Then I went to the toilet while waiting for them to finish their conversation. Amrit said that when I was gone, the uncle was said: UNCLE RASHID: You very lucky to have a girl like her. She's a nice&pretty girl. Dont change change girlfriend ok. AMRIT: ThankQ! It was abit weird to hear that from him cos I always see him around my place with different indonesian maids. His a flirt too u know! Tak padan tua! HAHAHAHA! :) Well, that was all i did today. Nothing else. Still at home doing nothing. I hope I can make it for WEDNESDAY! :) To all my friends that are in a dilemma. We should not be upset about our results. We did our best and we made it that far. This proves that we are brave enough to take up the challenge. We will do better in whatever we get in the end. I can bet with my whole life that we will be better then those that did well. Who thinks that is true, raise your hands? HAHAHA! :) |
title: I'm QUITE dissapointed at my results! Yesterday was quite a weird day for me. My stomach felt like it was going to explode when I woke up. Went online for a while then got dress. Had to wear my old uniform. I looked horrible in it. I spent 15min infront of the mirror just trying to figure it out. Ya, met the girls but shima and wati were late. I was the earliest and quite shocked about that. We went to MACDONALDS for lunch. We were laughing at all our jokes and it felt really good! Have not been with the girls for so long and it felt so good to be back together again. After lunch, we bought some sweets then we took a slow walk back to school. It was ok but the feeling as we got nearer to school was so unbearable. Took our time but then the stupid DM stopped diana because of her hair. Me and wati had to meet her behind the EPSON bus to spray her hair back to black. It was really funny. Then we went up to the hall, where everyone was (our juniors) waiting for us. They turned and looked at us as if we were aliens. It felt weird. Mr Chong talked for so long then it was Mr Loh's turned. From what he said, we all did improved alot. I'm proud at myself for that but my results was another thing. Dissapointing, upset but abit happy that I got some poly courses. I put too much pressure on myself. It was hard to hold it inside cause I had high expectations for myself. Even my parents know that. They were really trying to understand. But when I reached home, I made my choices:
So wat do you guys think? I'm quite happy at my final conclusion but still not that sure. I need your opinion! HELP! My parents are not around already. They left for BANGKOK this morning. HELP ME! :) |
title: Someone help me!!! My results are out this thursday!
I cant do this on my own. I cant just go there and pretend as if everything is alright! I cant! HELP ME!!!!!!! Everyone is freaking out right now. I cant find my uniform! Everyone has been msging me since yesterday morning and its damn irritating. Everyday has been the same. On saturday, I started the tuition thingy and it was ok. It was really hard to get into that girls head at first cos she was damn shy. She would'nt mutter a word even if i held a knife to her throut. But overall, it was ok. She kinda needed some warm time to get use to me. She's really cute. Chubby little girl and everyone calls her princesss! ahaha! After tuition, I kinda got lost at Chong Pang for awhile but in the end, I went for a walk around there. Its just like Toa Payoh. Then I made my way back to my grandmothers place. Fell a sleep for a while then we headed to SAFRA! My uncle wanted to go bowling. My whole family was there. The other time we came, I fell onto the bowling lane but this time it was my uncle. It was really fun. I'm really good at it now. I was watching the pros do it that day and i used the techiniques that they used and i got 2 strikes! I need to bring my friends bowling next time. I know they miss it too. HAPPY 3YEARS&5MONTHS ANIVERSARY TO ME & AMRIT! & HAPPY 11MONTHS TO DIANA & AHTANK! i love you, babe! Forever & Ever Babe! |
title: I starting with my tuition job tml and I really hope I can do it.
Heard that this girl is not that of a fast learner so I really have to be patient. Nothing else to do today except for going to school to meet mrs tang & netball training. Really excited actually cos I will get to meet my bf after so many many weeks being apart. His doing umpiring for the soccer match later so I guess we will be busy with our own sports. Yesterday, my room is finally complete. As in its sleepable now. I slept in my new room for the first time and it was great. Going to invite my friends over for lunch. Hopefully, by then, my mom is able to cook up something for them. They all like to eat at my house. Mayb they like the food here alot. I need to go shopping. I need some partners in crime for this! I know there are alot out there who are willing to help me. I want to buy flat shoes, shirts, jeans and a cute dress! Oh ya, I need sports shoe also. I need to start running again so I'm actually going for morning runs everyday. Anyone interested to join in? Just hola me if anyone interested! HAHAHA! :) |
title: There wasn't much for me to do yesterday as my dad had sent me to my grandmother's house for the day. He will do anything to get me away from Bishan so I don't go out. Really fed up with his attitude. I came home late yesterday as I just wanted to spent extra time talking to my grandma. She's so funny. She was the only one making me laugh for the whole day. Even though it was hard to explain to her in malay but I did manage to do it. HAHA! I tried to un-pack my stuff from my boxes, and I found an old diary of mine. It was like really old. I still remember it was my first diary that I ever bought for myself. It had all the stupid things that happened to me when I was 9. But there was one section that made me cry. I use to dream about what I wanted to be when I was young. Every child at that age would be planning what they wanted to be. eg. some wanted to be a fireman or docter. But for me, I just could not decide on what I wanted to be.
So I just told myself that when I grew up, I just wanted to be happy. Really happy. I did this time line in the diary and it was like this. 9years old- study 13years old- make it to a good secondary school and stay with my old friends 18years old- continue to study and stay happy. Its funny when I was reading it. When I was young, all i wanted was to be happy. I never demanded alot and even happinesss I cant get. I just don't like the person I am becoming now. Always angry and sad. Breaking into tears whenever my dad does somthing stupid. It just not the same person. I don't know who I am anymore. Like I said, I care too much about other people that forget about myself. I'm so emotional. I know my monthly girlly visit are coming but since when am I so emotional. Just don't like the person I am now. I called Shima yesterday to figure out where did they go. It seems like they didnt go anywhere. I feel really bad. It feels like its my fault. My friends have been planning this outing since SP period and I still cant get myself free on the day itself. I seems like they did their own things. Really sorry girls. I didnt want to invite you guys to my house was because the house was really dusty and dirty. There would not have been any food or drinks provided cause there isn't any. HAHA! :) Oh ya, I have been taking over the netball girls for this year. The girls went for their first south zone game yesterday and they went against BISHAN PARK. THEY WON!!!!!!! IN YOUR FACE! |
title: I CARE ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE BUT FORGET ABOUT MYSELF! Girls, I cant go for the tml outing.
I'm really sorry! PLEASE don't ask me why cause I think you guys should know why. I think you guys are also fed up with me cause every single time you invite me, I just cant go. You guys don't have to invite me anymore. It makes life so much for you guys. I'm really SORRY! Have FUN! You guys can go and buy the bag if you want. I'll get it another time when I can get out. That is if I CAN! SORRY! I can't believe you did this to me again. I was always there whenever you needed me. Is this what you call a HOLIDAY!!!!! Bullshit la. What happened to "study first then i let you do anything"? You just full of crap! I stay home everyday to help with the renovation but you cant even let me go out for a day. I wasnt asking for a million dollars. Is it so hard!!!! Whats the point of turning 18 when i cant even go out with my friends! How dare you ask me why I'm always going out! Where in the HELL did I go!!! I dont even remember that! I cared to much about other people but I forget about myself! I am a FCUKING good daugther! But you dont seem to see that! Whats the point of me being nominated for the LEE KUAN YEW AWARD! It does not make sense right ! I hate you! Keep me in this "cell" and hope i really die in it! I will hate you to death if I lose my friends! I will hate you with my life from now on! Go and enjoy your fcuking vacation to BANGKOK OK!!!!!!! |
title: Still not back in Bishan yet. My house is still not ready yet. I cant wait to move back. At least I'm closer to my friends. My normal routine has always been the same for the past few days. All i do is babysit my baby cousin. I put him to bed and feed him. My bf has been disturbing me about this. He says its a good start for me. He wants me to learn how to be a good mother. In his dreams! Oh ya, have to go back to school tml. Mrs Ong called me yesterday, asking me for help. The netball team needs my help so I guess I have to help out. On Saturday, I think i'll be going to the Poly Open House. Girls, lets go together ok! :) |
title: Nothing much to do today. Really boring. I have not gone out for shopping yet and its killing me. I cant believe i still have my hari raya money with me. I've been keeping it for shopping but no time for that. My house doesn't seem to be ready at all. The contractor said that it should be ready by this week and i really hope his telling the truth. Had a peek at my room 3 days ago and i'm impressed at how it turned out. Its bright orange. YES KASMI, ITS ORANGE!!! HAHAHAA! Didn't thought that orange could be so BRIGHT! As for the rest of the house was ok la.
I went to watch I AM LEGEND yesterday with my bro and 2 aunties. My aunt got 4 free tickets at CATHAY. You guys should really watch this show. Its GREAT! Its a show that's straight to the point and keeps us on our toes. Almost choked on my popcorn. That stupid person just jumped out of no where. After that incident, I did not even touch the popcorn. HAHAHA! But overall, the show was GREAT. Will Smith was so HOT! Besides that show, I have been watching alot of shows on HBO&STAR MOVIES this holidays. One of my favourite shows that i want my girlfriends to watch is THE COVENANT! Its about 4 HOT guys who have special powers. They are no super heros but they are actually witches. They call themselves the son of ipswich! They are so hot! My friends would definitely love this show. I could not sleep the whole night. The images of the guys will just linger in your mind. HAHAHAHA! So watch the show if you can. Anyone want to watch 27 DRESSES with me? :) The 4 Guys from THE COVENANT. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
title: 7th JANUARY 2008 Its really funny to see my friends talk about their boyfriends bike. I, my ownself would never ride with my boyfriend even if he was the last person on earth. I just don't think i trust him with that kinda of bike. If my boyfriend had a bike like WEI EN then nevemind! HAHAHA! :) Its funny how someone can get addicted to cycling so fast. I still remember that day. We were having our class chalet and we all went cycling. Kasmi was so engrossed while Cindy was just tired. Shima could have killed everyone with her cycling while the rest just liked to scare the girls. For example, MR CHANG RUI! Cycling will definitely be our first activity on the 16th. Its must have been ages since i met up with my geeky friends. I wonder if they are still geeky like always. (COS I KNOW I AM STILL GEEKY) HAHAHA! Just miss them. It feels really weird not being able to talk to them. I've not met my boyfriend for like 2 weeks now and I''m beginning to miss him too. So used to seeing him in school always and when the time comes to start something different, we start to regret. So GIRLS, stop talking about your boyfriends bikes. I want to go cycling with you, not your boyfriend! Its a GIRLS DAY OUT, OK? HAHAHA! :) |
title: HAPPY NEW YEAR! Boredom rules my world. That is very true. A new year has come and I'm still stuck at home. Everytime i read my friends blogs, I know that they are having fun. Its not fair! They are goin out, working, having time out with their guys. HAIS! And I'm stuck at home, having a sore throat. What a start to the new year huh? I was on my way back to bishan today and i kinda met a few of my school students in their uniform, coming back from school. They all looked at me and smiled while some of them said hi. It felt nice to see some of them again. I don't quite know wat happened to my uniform already. It must be somewhere. Some of the students were asking me that. HAHAHA! They were asking me about my new hair cut too. They said i looked different. Well, its a new year so a new look was a good idea at that moment. Haha! I don knw whether i looked nice but i do look different. Hahaha! I cant wait to go out with the girls next week. Finally, me and kasmi can get the bag that we always wanted. HAHAHA! Then shima get to go cycling again and start killing people with her cycling. But this time, i wan to ride with kasmi on the double sitter. It would be fun. Just like the time at chalet. Hahahaha! :)