the muti-talented girl whose life revolves around her friends and family, good food, great talks, creative works, booty-shaking music and funky dance moves - I have a life, and lives it to the fullest."
title: hey.
kasmi, thanks for the advice. i have been thinking about it for sometime. even before your post. i have never looked down on ite students. who said that? i know that this students, if they put in their effort, they will do well. this is no excuse but my dad is the one that is asking me to sent this appeal letters. its like he die die wans to get me in. he knows that ite is also a good school but i just don knw why his like that. if i was to look down then that means i'm looking down on shima and my cousins. i will neve do that. i know that school is starting and i have to make my decision. if i dont get into a poly or ite, then i have only one choice left. and that is my nafa test. its not like i'm thinking about my life. i know that sometimes things dont go your way and i really appreciate wat u guys are doing. i'm sorry if the way i am acting is hurting any of your feelings. shima, you knw i dont look down on you right? i was the one who encouraged you to take it up. i wat to do and thanks. |
title: hey.
this whole has not been the best for me. failing to get into a poly again even after the DAE admissions. going through alot and trying to handle everything with patience. i send another appeal letter to RP and hoping this time they would give a chance. as long as i don get a school, i just keep on blaming myself for screwing up my future. well... i guess this is a test on how patient i can really be. went for my basic theory test again. this is the third time, i taking this test. and finally.. i PASSED. i was so ready to fail again but this time i passed. now i can really start driving. at least i had this to make me happy if not... i'll just be cranky the whole day. i cant wait to go out with the girls on Monday. finally an outing! :) oh ya... HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY IN ADVANCE DIANA BINTE SAPARUDIN! :) ![]() |
title: hey.i'm back finally.
i was gone for a family chalet and i had so much fun. stayed up all night, had a bbq, played games & was chased by creatures called cats. my family chalet is at aloha loyang. its actually opposite the water-breaker that we use to sit during my class chalet. quite cool but it made me miss my friends. went to religious class yesterday and it was fun to have shima and wati there. we laughed and disturbed ppl but shima was feeling bored. poor her. shima lets go out this week. anywhere you want k? the rest also must follow k? me and amrit are ok.(if any of you are wondering) it has been sometime since i last saw him. i dont quite remember the last time i met him already. kinda of miss him. anyway, happy anni to me and him. :) |
title: hey.
i know that i have not been updating that much and its because of my dad. he took the whole modem and brought it to work. this is all because of my dear bros. so if u see that i have not been updating then pls understand. i will try to update as many as possible when he is not at home. sorry guys! :) |
title: hey. i'm back after so long.
sorry guys. i think i got the crickets thingy from shima! hahaha :) well.... nothing much happened since my last post. i went for my seocnd try on the basic theory test. & i failed again. cant take it anymore. but lucky that day amrit tagged along. he waited for me outside while i took my test. if he wasnt there then i would have been in a bad mood the whole day. my next test will be in may and if i still don pass then i have nothing to say. my mom said that the third would be a charm. I HOPE SO! went out to giant that day. my mom had $80 voucher and we decided to buy junk. i took some funny pics from that trip but something is wrong wif the blogger screen. i'll upload it the next time k. well.. that is all i have for this post. hope u guys soon. i miss my girlfriends! :) |
title: hey.
i have nothing much to say actually. really tired. my body is aching. i'm hungry. nothing much is happening today. mayb meet my grandma. i still need to collect my netball shirt from julia. i need to go soon. poor her. well, that is it for me. oh ya, dee... you wanted me to do this right. so here it is. was tagged by dee.. The to-do list! 1. List five vices you have, with a description if you want to. 2. Tag five bloggers for this meme. 3. Link back to the blogger who tagged you, and this post if you want to be nice! Now, my 5 vices in totally not in random order !! Stubborn-ness. i am very stubborn. i think i got it from my dad. i can never lose to someone knowing that it was me who started the fight. even if i do stop fighting, it was because i forced myself to give in. quite a bad habit right.. but that is how i am. only amrit knows how stubborn i am. do things my way i rather have things be done in my way. i dont like to bother people when it comes to my work. i'll get myself into a mess, i will clean myself up. i really dont like when people come from behind and help me out. its nice but i rather do things my way. sarcatism i recently found out from my amrit that i could be very sarcastic at times. even when i dont realise it or not doing it on purpose, i seem to be sarcastic. it gets worst when i'm actually angry at someone. there i'll go with all my sarcatism! early bird i have this habit of always being early for events. i can never be late. once i'm late, i get this weird feeling in my stomach and i'll start panicking. i think this has something to do with my school. they made me like this. such a weird habit but it does exist. lazy ass i have this habit since my dad dont let me out of the house that often. i'm like stuck at home just sitting in front of the computer or tv. i cant blame myself.... he wanted me to be at home not doing anything. this is what happens when you stay in a house for toooooo long. my next victims are .... * nurul *rosazlin |
title: hey.
firstly, i would like to thank my dearest friends (kasmi&shima&wati) for the wonderful present and beautiful card. you guys really got me this time. i really didnt see it coming. thankQ. you guys shouldn't have too.i really miss u guys. i miss going out with all of you. the fun times we would have. we would never fail to make each other laugh and as usual, shima will never get the joke till the next 5 mins. haha. oh ya, i bought for u guys something already so if you guys going for the sentosa thingy then i will pass to u guys. please go. we have not gone out for like a decade. cant wait to see you guys. nothing much happened the past few days except the times when i was upset because of that someone. i have been staying home, watchin movies that i neve get to watch and just spent time with my cousin. i rather do this then talk to someone and end up fighting. well, last night stayed up to talk to him again. he said he was looking forward to the conversation. i actually fell a sleep for a while and when i checked my phone, i had 140 missed calls. i was so scared that i immediately called him back. he was out with his friends as usual. we talked (actually he talked more), i just listened. but in the end, we ended up fighting again. i told him that i didnt want to talk about the past but he was so stubborn. you can neve fight with him cause everything to him is about logic. i hate it. he never gets the point that sometimes, whatever u say can hurt me more then your actions. well, that is my life. i'm the punching bag. amrit. i know you are reading this once you turn on your laptop. the talk we had yesterday was a mistake. we shouldn't have called each other when we were still angry. you were angry with me & i was angry with you. i didnt know that the word "bye" could make things worst. we have been together for over 3 years and still this things are happening. but after 3 years, the words you use when your angry, is still to much for me to handle. you don't seem to realise that your temper is really bad. i'm trying so hard to plan things for us. meeting up is hard, i know, but at least treat me with some care. i really appreciate your patience and concern whenever we are not fighting. thankQ. let me just summarise whatever i wanted to say yesterday. i'm mad at you because of the things you said. "why you call me when your tired?" , "talking to the wall would be much better" , "its nicer being alone". how do u expect me to react from that. my first instinct is to scream at you but deep down it cut open my heart. my heart was bust open when you said that. so ya. i dont know how to explain to you anymore. its too late, my heart is already busted wide open. loves. |
title: to amrit
i stayed up to talk to you cos we have not been talking. when you were busy, i said nvm and put down the phone. now you ask me, why i called you when i was tired? for the fact that i was putting in effort to call, you could still say that! you know what! I GIVE UP in putting effort, I GIVE UP! I KNOW YOU WILL BE READING THIS! even as i was going thru a tough week because of you (you know wat), you still have the nerve to do this! SO YA, I GIVE UP! call when you feel like it or not, don't! trust me, I DEFINITELY WON'T CALL!!!!!!! TATA! :) Hey. i've been busy like always. oh ya, if your not AMRIT, just dont bother about the msg on the top. its for my dearest sweetheart. i went to marina sq by myself yesterday for the army thingy. it was cool. talked to all the hot men in uniform but still not sure if this the thing for me. guess who i went to city hall with? deepak! we were talking all the way to city hall and he was nice. then i met aslam at the army thingy. he was with his friends. exchanged our no. and then went along. met quite a no of people that i know. it was frecky. today, i went for my tution. the girl was much better today but now her brother is freakin me out. his always outside of the door. crazy! but its really fun teaching her. i met teri and "bodoh" terence. they were on their way to play football. feels so nice to meet all the old pals. oh ya, aslam said hi to shima and kasmi. did you know how much he get? L1R4-14points. his going to sp. good for him. oh ya, shima. i talked to adan that day and his going to the same ite as you!!!!! JUST JOKING! damn boring talk to him. thank god you stop talking to him already! good for you! oh well, got to go. all those of you who think me and amrit are breaking up, pls think again. we are just going thru a tough time that is all. guy can be irritating sometimes and don't quite appreciate what we girls do for them.tata. |