the muti-talented girl whose life revolves around her friends and family, good food, great talks, creative works, booty-shaking music and funky dance moves - I have a life, and lives it to the fullest."
title: SO WHAT ARE YOU? AQUARIUS - The Sweetheart (Jan 20 - Feb 18) Optimistic and honest. Sweet personality. Very independent.. Inventive and intelligent. Friendly and loyal. Can seem unemotional. Can be a bit rebellious. Very stubborn, but original and unique. Attractive on the inside and out. Eccentric personality. SAGITTARIUS - The Happy-Go-Lucky One (Nov 22 - Dec 21) Good-natured optimist. Doesn't want to grow up (Peter Pan Syndrome). Indulges self. Boastful. Likes luxuries and gambling. Social and outgoing. Doesn't like responsibilities. Often fantasizes. Impatient. Fun to be around. Having lots of friends. Flirtatious. Doesn't like rules. Sometimes hypocritical. Dislikes being confined - tight spaces or even tight clothes. Doesn't like being doubted. Beautiful inside and out.
title: my life is like an illusion. ![]() did not productive the whole day. was too tired, bored and moody to get out of the house. my grandma seems to be sick and i need to see her soon. i miss amrit too. too many things going through my head and its not helping me through my life. i tend to look at my life as an illusion. don know why, so don ask. stayed up early morning just to talk to amrit. he was only home at 1am so i stayed up. we were having a cute and funny conversation. throughout the whole conversation, he was sending me msgs. he send 30 over msgs just to see if i love him. he wanted me to reply but i just let him get amused at himself. he's adorable in many ways but strange at the same time. amrit. i love you, forever and ever. |
title: FUCK IT WITH YOUR ATTITUDE. do i look like a freaking toy to you? i can't stand this family anymore. nothing is the same anymore. i can't come home from school, to "happy" people. for that, i get fucked up and looked at weirdly. my mom is the number one suspect. her attitude this days is pissing me off. the respect for her is vanishing. your my mother but you treat me like a doll. you think your the only one that is tired, pissed and exhausted! PLEASE LA! grow up. i don't expect anything from both of you anymore. I don't want your money nor your attention anymore. you wan me to communicate with you but when i do so... all i get is, "oh ok". you expect me to tell you things. think again! i'm not a small kid that needs her mother to be there to safe the day. i'm grown up to wipe my own ass. so just fucking leave me alone. |
title: SOMETHING IS MISSING IN MY LIFE. The past few days has made me feel like a totally different person. I don't feel right and I don't feel like I'm in place at all. I'm missing too much of the things that are happening right infront of my eyes. I have a gut feeling that something is going to happen and the feeling doesn't seem to vanish. I think I need help. Serious help. I have never felt so insecure in my entire life. I feel like things are just going to fall apart, one by one. I hide this fear so well, that not even my own boyfriend knows about it. I have to stop this. It ruining my life, my concentrate and my strength to go on. I can't describe the fear but I feel everyday. anyway... SCHOOL WAS AWESOME! I had a blast. My classmates are the coolest people you would ever want to meet. Open minded, corrupted thoughts and happy-go-lucky attitude. They are the people that keeps me going. My whole class has a huge craving for the cookies sold at SEVEN ELEVEN. They say it tastes like Subway's cookies. (how would i know if its true right?) But we are all crazy about it. We can't come to class without a packet of it. And the cookies usually doesn't last any longer then half an hour. We share and make EVERYONE plump! HAHAHAHA! I have plenty of pictures to upload but I don't have the complete set yet. So you guys have to wait, k? I promise the next few pictures will be cool cause I took them in my secondary school that day, when I was helping out with the STUDENT COUNCIL CAMP. We took a jump shot and it was AWESOME! Can't wait to show you guys how lame I can be sometimes. HAPPY 4YEARS 2MONTH ANNIVERSARY TO MY AMRITDAVE :) I know that this year has been the hardest year for us but nothing seems to stop us. Honestly, I never thought that we would last this far but look at us now! You have never fail to prove me every single day that you still love me. & I love you for that. Always reminding me that I'm never alone. & For that, I would like to thankYOU. i love yoooouuu amrit. forever and ever babe. |
title: i love my baby. the past few days i have been feeling very happy. and i miss all my dear friends. tt is why, i'm going to plan to meet them soon. most probably, for lunch, either individually or in a group. really miss those days where we could really talk and gossip. had been feeling very tired too. need more rest especially sleep. my ISP(integrated studio projects) are these week and i think i know what i wanna do. i don knw if its possible but its a risk i think i'm willing to take. alot of drama is happening in my class and today itself, one more fight has happen and its all because of some SPOILT BRAT! hahaha. cant wait for part 2 tmr. i cant drag my post for too long cause i have plenty of stuff to do now. but i promise i'll upload some pictures soon. oh ya. i need to know when u guys are free. if your name is i the list, pls do leave me a tag and state when your free for lunch with me. hopefully its a FREE lunch for me. hahahahahaha! SHIMA. KASMIRANTI. WATI. SHA. DEE (yes you!). MY BABY. & MY HILARIOUS NAFA CLASSMATES. |
title: photography is addictive. hey. i'm back. i don't really have the mood to update nowadays due to school work but i have to keep my dearest friends and updated. HAHA. i have a few pictures for u guys to see and ponder on how BEAUTIFULLY taken is was. pls do leave your comment on my tag board. i found out tt my classmate has a dark secret that is hidden in his wallet. aisyah can be a sick bitch sometimes. it affects a normal persons thinking when looked at, and i was one of them. i know you guys don know what i'm talking about, only those in 1L knows. i love my baby. |