the day after my family sleep-over, my family and irfan family went over to JB to visit my mother's side. met my cousins that i never knew existed and met up with those that hasn't been seen for a long time.
it was a nice outing and a heart warming experience for my mom and aunt. it has been ages since they last saw each other and this trip made it worth the
wait. the trip wasnt long, about 2 hours max. had a pit stop at the nearest coffeeshop for a quick breakfast. ate prata then left fmor the first house.
the house was my granduncle's house. i met my youngest uncle (mom's youngest cousin) and my cousins. forgot their names already. then left to see my mom's old house that she use to stay in with her siblings. it wasnt a nice sight but finally i got to know the place where she was from and the kind of environment. the next destination was to the uncle's and grandma's grave.
the first thing i saw was the pondok in the middle of the grave site, then i remembered everything. i remembered the time when i was there for my grandmother's funeral. i remembered watching my mom cry from that pondok. i remembered. i sat down at the pondok for a while, while looking over at my grandmother's grave and i was in tears. never really got to know my grandmother but mom said she left without suffering.
the next stop was my youngest aunt's house. she has 4 kids. safwan, fatin, fasha and farisha. they are so cute but too bad they don't know i was. to them, i was just another of their mother's friend or something. i took pictures of them to keep and maybe sent a copy to them as well. sat down and talked with my aunt, and the first thing she asked was..
"when am i getting your wedding card?"
HAHA. just because my mom got married when she was 18 doesnt i'm going to marry at 18 too. still a have plenty of things to do. more naughty stuff to try. HEHE.
the next house was another of my granuncle's house. he had a big house with 2 flag poles outside. he seemed rich but very modest. the last house was my uncle's house. he passed away about 4 years ago but left behind a caring wife and a son, my brother's age. have not met my cousin for so long and his starting to look like his father. his mother still stays the same but she looked tired. the house looked better then before and its thanks to her family that helps out with her financial needs.
didnt stay long cause we were scared we would be caught in traffic. said our goodbyes, took down addresses and made them promise to visit us soon, then we left. reached Singapore only at 8pm.
so those were the things i did the past few days. couldnt really update without the pictures and anyway, i was caught up alot of things. upcoming events, movie outing with my girls, maybe more outings with my classmates and finally school re-opens on the 12th JAN. ;)
aku cinta padamu.